
dem uses a configuration YAML file to define all the dependencies of the project. Create the devenv.yaml file in the root directory of the project.


The name of the file must be devenv.yaml.

Add packages: to the top of the YAML file. This denotes dependencies that are needed for all platforms.

List the first dependency under packages using the same syntax. For example, the boost library can be installed like this:

        version: 1.60.0
        type: url
        url: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.60.0/boost_1_60_0.zip
        destination: dependency

Running dem at this point will download and install boost to the PROJECT_ROOT/dependency. The download may take a long time so it would be recommended to download large dependencies ahead of time and store them in a repository locally or on the local network. This can be done by specifying a remote location. Remote locations can be local or network locations.

Here the config block is introduced where remote-locations can be added.

    remote-locations: ['C:\repository', '\\mynetwork\repository]
        version: 1.60.0
        type: archive

A couple of things have been introduced here:

  1. Two repositories were added where packages live
  2. The package type has changed to archive
  3. The package destination was removed


The destination property is used by dem to install the package into the preferred location.
  • project-relative: Installs the dependency into the source tree of the project. The value is a relative path from PROJECT_ROOT.
  • dependency-lib: A fixed type that installs the package into PROJECT_ROOT/.devenv/PROJECT_ROOT/dependencies
  • python-site-packages: A fixed type that installs the package into PROJECT_ROOT/.devenv/PROJECT_ROOT/Lib/site-packages (Windows)
  • bin: A fixed type that installs the package into PROJECT_ROOT/.devenv/PROJECT_ROOT/Scripts (Windows). Packages installed in the bin will be on the %PATH%.

On Linux

  • python packages get installed to PROJECT_ROOT/.devenv/PROJECT_ROOT/lib/python2.7/sitepackages
  • bin packages get installed to PROJECT_ROOT/.devenv/PROJECT_ROOT/bin


    type: dependency-lib # Default
    type: python-site-packages
    type: bin
    type: code/source # Installs into PROJECT_ROOT/code/source