.. _intro_toplevel: ================== Overview ================== *"Go get dem packages!" - dem creators* Development Environment Manager (dem) is a python library used to manage a project dependencies in a consistent fashion. This is most useful when working on a large project where multiple dependencies are required. Benefits: * Easily setup the project in the same way every time * Get new team members setup faster * Keeps the system environment from getting polluted with project specifics * Install dependencies from many different mediums Types of dependencies supported: * local/network archives and URLs (zips and tar.gz) * `git `_ repositories * `yum `_ packages (Fedora based systems) * `pip `_ packages ================== Requirements ================== dem is a multi-platform tool which currently works on Fedora and Windows based platforms. Supported python versions: * 2.7 * 3.3 * 3.4 * 3.5 ================== Install ================== Installing dem is easily done using `pip`_. Assuming it is installed, just run the following from the command-line: .. sourcecode:: none # pip install dem This command will download the latest version of dem from the `Python Package Index `_ and install it to your system. More information about ``pip`` and pypi can be found here: * `install pip `_ * `pypi `_ .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing.html Alternatively, you can install from the distribution using the ``setup.py`` script: .. sourcecode:: none # python setup.py install .. note:: In this case, you have to manually install all requirements as well. It would be recommended to use the :ref:`git source repository ` in that case. .. _source-code-label: Source Code =========== Development Environment Manager git repo is available on GitHub, which can be browsed at: * https://github.com/nitehawck/dem and cloned using:: $ git clone https://github.com/nitehawck/dem Finally verify the installation by running the `nose powered `_ unit tests:: $ nosetests